quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

Length of a Human DNA Molecule

Length of a Human DNA Molecule:

1 cromossomo ___ ~5cm
1 célula _____ ~2.5m

(length of 1 bp)(number of bp per cell)(number of cells in the body)
(0.34 × 10-9 m)(6 × 109)(1013)
2.0 × 1013 meters

That is the equivalent of nearly 70 trips from the earth to the sun and back.
2.0 × 1013 meters = 133.691627 astronomical units
133.691627 / 2 = 66.8458135 round trips to the sun

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terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

BioMath - Tm Calculations for Oligos

BioMath - Tm Calculations for Oligos: "81.5°C + 16.6°C  x  (log10[0.05])  +  0.41°C x (40)  –  675/20  =  42.5°C"

Calculo de temperaturas de anelamento para primers.

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